Hrabriša i prijatelji na Beogradskom maratonu

Beogradski maraton je održan pod sloganom „Prijateljstvo na duge staze“, koje simbolizuje tradiciju dugu 35 godina i zajedništvo između Beogradskog maratona i svih njegovih domaćih i stranih učesnika, pokrovitelja, sponzora i partnera.
U duhu slogana “Prijateljstvo na duge staze”, Hrabrišu su podržali prijatelji trkači iz kompanije MSD koji isu donirali sredstva u iznosu 130.000 RSD udruženju Hrabriša. Osim prijatelja trkača iz MSD Srbija, pridružile su im se kolege iz Bugarske te nam je velika čast što su i oni trčali za Hrabrišu.

Hrabriše su naravno bile na startu da ohrabre trkačue i daju vetar u leđa i naravno na cilju smo dočekali naše trkače i zahvalili se za prijateljstvo i pretrčane kilometre.

First therapy to treat rare genetic disorder AADC deficiency

EMA has recommended granting a marketing authorization in the European Union (EU) for Upstaza (eladocagene exuparvovec), a therapy for the treatment of adult and pediatric patients with severe aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency with a genetically confirmed diagnosis.

Patients with AADC typically experience developmental delays, weak muscle tone and inability to control the movement of the limbs. AADC deficiency is a long-term, debilitating and life-threatening condition because it can lead to multiple organ failures. Patients also experience intellectual disability, show irritability and are at risk of death in the first decade of life.

Friendship in the Long Run

This year, on the International Family Day, May 15, the jubilee 35th Belgrade Marathon will be held. Runners can run a 21 or 42 kilometer track, or the "Aqua Viva Pleasure Race". If you decide to participate, you can run or walk a 2.5 km.

This year's Belgrade Marathon is held under the slogan "Friendship in the Long Run", which symbolizes a 35-year tradition and unity between the Belgrade Marathon and all its participants, patrons, sponsors and partners.